Friday, May 9, 2008

War Victory Day's Parade 戦勝記念日パレード

The day of parade, it was really very fine. I bought a Russian dictionary and some postcards at a book store in front of Kasan church. Then I headed to the square. Very many people were walking to the square and at the square more and more people were coming. They had a ribbon in orange and black stripe on their bags or hats, and also with Russian national flag. It is hardly imagine that something like that can happen in Japan. There should have been something happening on the other side of crowds but I was not able to see anything. I just saw a tank with missiles? Until noon the Nevsky street were free for pedestrian and was fulll of people.

パレード当日はとてもいい天気になった。 カザン教会の正面にある本屋で、ロシア語の辞書と絵葉書を買って、それから広場の方へ。ものすごい人が広場の方に向かって歩いていく。広場についてからで も、どんどん人がやってくる。こんなにたくさんの人は見たことがない。みんなカバンや帽子にオレンジと黒のストライプのリボンをつけて、ロシアの旗を持っ て集まってくる。日本でこんなことは起こるとは想像しがたい。人だかりの向こうでなにやら起きているらしいが全然見えず。チラッとミサイルを積んだ戦車 か?が見えただけ。午前中はネフスキー通りは歩行者天国になり、人であふれていた。


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